Hackers, Backers, Handlers And The Future

Every computer system, every data storage system, every IT platform, and every data transmission line or port can be hacked. It just takes expertise (in the form of an adrenaline-fueled, cerebrotonic young genius who sees the thrill of the challenge before applying any moral or other standards to the actions or to the potential use), excellent equipment (state-of-the-art) and a powerful, charismatic handler to point the hacker-for-hire in the desired direction required to meet the corporate or financial backer's directive.

The term "hack" has become synonymous in modern tech-speak to any tool or method which makes things easier. It used to be a pejorative categorization - today it is something to be sought after in accessing utility or finding a workaround. Hacking, as a practical matter, is a reality, and as such should be dealt with. It can be prosecuted or promoted -- and in prosecuting it, the use of experts (i.e., hackers) will absolutely be required. In the "only performance counts" world of business, the organization with the best hacker/s has the best competitive advantage; nothing more, nothing less.

A recent article addresses a very real incident, with true implications not for anything as mundane as industrial espionage or tampering with records, but national security. As strategic business planners and project managers we are all Global Futurists, and that is precisely what makes this article so intriguing:

Yahoo News via The Global Futurist Blog: Chinese Hackers Access Key U.S. Defense Technologies And Weapons Secrets.

I had predicted that hackers would someday soon become accepted as real-world residents of the C-Suites of companies. They are already in common usage in all types of domestic and international spying and intelligence-gathering, but those hackers are still kept out of the mainstream media or even mainstream acknowledgement because they are always involved in classified operations or Covert (Black) Ops which are theoretically (supposed to be) nonexistent.

In the Information Society, hackers, backers and handlers will ultimately be the unholy trinity which determines the ultimate distribution of power and wealth. They may well determine our future -- if indeed we have one.

Think about that for awhile.

As always, thank you for reading me, and for sharing my insights and articles with your colleagues and connections across the many social media platforms.

Douglas E. Castle for The Business And Project Planning And Management Blog, and for The Global Futurist Blog.

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