Bring Your Own Funding To Your Project Or Client

If you are an IT professional, a Project Manager, or an enterprising, entrepreneurial individual who is advocating ("promoting") a venture, project, contract or even your own employment, if you are able to demonstrate that you will be able to bring in sufficient funds to cover the cost of what you are proposing, this is even more persuasive to prospectors employers, contractors and prospective join venture partners than the traditional "this project will pay for itself ___ times over!"

As a practical matter, bringing your own money source, or at least demonstrating access to funds will cover a multitude of shortcomings. Money is magnetic, and it also has the power to get people to look at those who represent access to it with a heightened sense of adoration.

If you can't directly bring funds through a relationship with a private equity investor, SBIC, venture capitalist, accredited angel funding source or one of the non-bank sources of specialized financing, perhaps you can take a look at offering to orchestrate a crowdfunding solution to assist you in earning your keep.

Please read on, strategic planners, project managers, IT Professionals and entrepreneurs seeking alliances with or contracts from organizations, both For-Profit and Not-For Profit. Also, I apologize for the advertorial nature of what follows -- you have my permission to ignore that part and just glean the best information from that which follows:

Finance your project, venture or business on CFI’s innovative new website and crowdfunding platform -- A site that is filled with information, resources and even non-crowdfunding capitalization alternatives! We’ll help you to build and grow. We’ll post (or otherwise assist in bootstrapping and growing) projects requiring capitalization of $5,000.00 (and up), and we’ll accept individual contributions as small as $10.00. We are CFI - CrowdFunding Incubator.

Submission is fully automated. Just click on to get started immediately. We will entertain start ups, early-stage entrepreneurial ventures, small businesses and not-for-profit humanitarian and charitable cause-based entities. We are expert at working with women-owned business, minority-owned enterprises, many other groups with specific and special needs  

Our unique program even provides for financing in stages or phases, where you can draw down funds as they are being raised. CFI has an unparalleled portfolio of resources, advice and tools to expedite your funding and growth, while mitigating your risk and minimizing trial and error. 

We interact to assist our clients at every phase -- from planning to marketing, from management and co-venturing to production and sales financing. Our staff will personally guide you and help you through the entire process -- and our process is simpler than you think.  There are no application fees and -- we are mobile accessible, too. Since we’re newer, we’ll work harder.

Use CFI to meet your capitalization needs, and get access to free business-building tools, valuable feedback and personal guidance in the bargain.

Even if you don't need crowdfunding services, CFI has a full complement of alternative non-bank financing sources, as well as business planning, virtual assistants, management, marketing and partner introduction resources that will prove to be of tremendous value to you.

Please visit us today at Our contacts and capabilities can be yours, too! 


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