
Showing posts from February, 2013

5 Elements To Business Success

THIS FELLOW KNOWS EVERYTHING. HE IS ELUSIVE BECAUSE THOSE WHO LEARN OF HIS AMAZING CAPABILITIES WOULD ENSLAVE HIM, INSTEAD OF FOLLOWING HIM. Business is a process; it is not a stationary object. This process targets, as its mission, a key objective , and a team of individuals, working harmoniously, collaborate, coordinate and cooperate in order to attain that key objective together in the form of a company or partnership. Business, any business is ever-moving, with many obstacles and problems along the course to success. Obstacles are a part of every life, every system and any business, and overcoming them, regardless of the odds, is one of the understood jobs of the team. Problems are a part of every life, every system and every business, and solving them is one of the understood jobs of the team. Having said this, I would suggest that business success is comprised of five elementary components: 1 ) Define your mission, your key objective. Agree upon it, and agree to work as a tea

Bring Your Own Funding To Your Project Or Client

If you are an IT professional , a Project Manager , or an enterprising, entrepreneurial individual who is advocating ("promoting") a venture, project , contract or even your own employment, if you are able to demonstrate that you will be able to bring in sufficient funds to cover the cost of what you are proposing, this is even more persuasive to prospectors employers, contractors and prospective join venture partners than the traditional "this project will pay for itself ___ times over!" As a practical matter, bringing your own money source, or at least demonstrating access to funds will cover a multitude of shortcomings. Money is magnetic, and it also has the power to get people to look at those who represent access to it with a heightened sense of adoration. If you can't directly bring funds through a relationship with a private equity investor , SBIC, venture capitalist , accredited angel funding source or one of the non-bank sources of specialized financi

Grow Your Business Through Partnering: Modular Corporate Growth

If you can put your ego aside in your role as a " company builder" (this includes business owners , strategic planners, major project managers and most acting chief executive officers ), you can grow through a series of partnerships and co-ventures with companies who are either much larger than your own (by revenues or by capitalized valuation), or who have a synergistic complementarity with your own. The classic examples of this complementarity are in the case of 1 ) vertical integration , where you combine, through a merger, acquisition or joint venture, with your supplier or with your distributor; and 2 ) horizontal integration , where you consolidate with other companies within you industry in order to consolidate and eliminate fixed costs and increase total market share. In situations where you enter into joint ventures or partnerships with companies better established and significantly larger than your own, you have an opportunity to leverage their knowledge and asset