Quora - New Planning And Management Resource?

Quora Discussion Forum? Eh?

The Forum will feature open, give-and-take discussions on a variety of cutting-edge social and business topics initiated by Douglas E. Castle . All are invited and encouraged to participate.

Although I do not believe that Quora will displace Twitter or Facebook in the social media universe, I firmly believe that it is going to provide a wonderfully intelligent forum feature which will complement all other social media.

I hope you'll be joining me here at http://QuoraDiscussionForum.blogspot.com. There will be polls, surveys, back-and-forth discussions on a number of controversial, current topics...and best of all, you will absolutely have a chance to express yourself through a very, very large bullhorn.

If you say something clever, you might even be quoted. The Quora Discussion Forum will bring a whole new dimension of real-time interactivity to by all of us.

Join us -- to sit down and be counted. Find out what others think. Let them know what you think. We'll even give you more than 140 characters to express your view. We'll even give you a chance to upload photos, video clips, and voice clips.

Thank you for letting me brag. And for deliberately and conspicuously stuffing the following topics, keywords, tags, label, search terms and keywords in, as well: Twitter, Quora, Facebook, Social media, Online Communities, Quora Discussion Forum, Douglas E. Castle, Social network, marketing, promotion, advertising, interactive media, IT,

Oh, and by the way, you can follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/QuoraForum. Things should be heating up rather quickly. Be patient as we gather momentum...

At the very end of this article, there are a number of articles related to this topic. Get to know Quora -- the potential is exponential.

Douglas E. Castle

Follow Douglas E Castle on Quora

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