Business And Project Planning - More For You.

Dear Readers:

My next post will contain some wonderful basic rules to follow in order to manage client expectations, and to avoid disappointments and the customary "shaming and blaming" invariably follows a failure that no one quite knows how to repair. These Three Rules will simplify every business, program or project assignment -- further, they are always applicable, regardless of the nature or scope of the work to be performed. No strategic planner, or project manager should be unaware of these simple principles. [The preceding was a coming attraction]. In the meanwhile.....

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As always, thank you for reading me, and for your referral of this site to your friends and associates.


Douglas E Castle
Other Blogs And RSS Feeds By This Author: A comprehensive list of blogs and RSS feeds on various subjects written or moderated by Douglas E Castle may be found by clicking on the orange icon below.


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