Managing Any Business Or Project - Simple Steps To Synergy

Organizational chartImage via Wikipedia

Managing any business or project is always initiated with a vision, a mission and a well-constructed plan. Nothing moves forward without these three essential components. In future posts, our emphasis will be on the planning aspect. Strategic and tactical planning are crucial -- they constitute the road map and the emergency toolkit (in case of unforeseen obstacles which necessitate that we deviate from the straightest path to goal attainment, and dictate that we must improvise during a portion of the trip).

Before narrowing our sights on planning, taken and examined alone, it would be advisable to put it in its proper perspective as it relates to the holistic notion of a business or a project.

Any business or project can be viewed, or analyzed, as consisting of the following components, in the following logical sequence. This sequence is a process, much like the Human metabolism, and the process is contained within a system. Here it is, reduced to its parts; it follows that if the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, i.e, a synergistic activity, that the business will be successful (profitable). Output and growth, viewed this way, are actually the measurable results of synergy:

Management Entails:

1) Vision;
2) A mission with a stated goal or goals;
3) A comprehensive business plan, with tactical tools and flexibility programmed into it;
4) Business or Project Needs Analysis (resources required);
5) Hiring and Harnessing Assets and Talent;
6) Breaking the plan, business or project up into increments, modules, centers;
7) Creating a hierarchical management command, communications and control structure;
8) Prioritizing tasks;
9) Automating as many tasks as is plausible;
10) Delegating tasks, responsibility and accountability;
11) Monitoring the entire system;
12) Adjusting and improving the system as necessary;
13) Implementing the adjustments and improvements (after communicating the new directives, reasons and amended expectations;
14) Repeating the cycle.

Again, business and projects are all processes, housed within systems, which occasionally need some changing...especially in an economically uncertain environment.

Douglas E Castle

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