
Showing posts from August, 2011

Project "Scope Creep" - CHAOS UNLEASHED

Image (for RSS readers) Projects are generally implemented in stages, and their components are compartmentalized, with each department (or individual) expected to focus on some specific, well-defined scope of responsibilities. When one individual treads out of his or her scope, and into another individual's, this is what Project Managers refer to as " scope creep ." It invariably creates a breakdown in systems, procedures and progress. It causes crossed wires, confusion and a wonderful textbook case of the Law Of Diminishing Returns . Its usual causes are several : 1. intellectual curiosity and a need to "share" or "meddle". 2. a lack of trust or faith in the ability, work ethic or intentions of one or more of the project team members by some other member or members. 3. a poorly-defined scope and separation of responsibilities, or of project phases.

Project Scope: Narrow Your Focus.

In quantifying and qualifying any project, i.e., in determining precisely what it is that you are  being entrusted to accomplish, and certainly prior to becoming involved in either planning, securing resources or undertaking implementation activities, be certain that you have absolutely defined the exact scope of the project , and in the most exact, detailed terms possible. These details should be part and parcel of your Letter Of Engagement with the client -- either incorporated in the body of the Letter, or in the form of a schedule or schedules attached. In doing this, you are formally defining and legally agreeing, between yourself (or your company) and your client, the essence of your mission, and everything that is to be expected of you. The narrower and more clearly focused the scope, incremental steps, benchmark achievements, critical time frames and required resources, the less the likelihood of either party being either feeling abused or disappointed. A well-formed, clearl

Managing Any Business Or Project - Simple Steps To Synergy

Image via Wikipedia Managing any business or project is always initiated with a vision, a mission and a well-constructed plan. Nothing moves forward without these three essential components. In future posts, our emphasis will be on the planning aspect. Strategic and tactical planning are crucial -- they constitute the road map and the emergency toolkit (in case of unforeseen obstacles which necessitate that we deviate from the straightest path to goal attainment, and dictate that we must improvise during a portion of the trip). Before narrowing our sights on planning, taken and examined alone, it would be advisable to put it in its proper perspective as it relates to the holistic notion of a business or a project. Any business or project can be viewed, or analyzed, as consisting of the following components, in the following logical sequence. This sequence is a process , much like the Human metabolism, and the process is contained within a system . Here it is, reduced to its parts; i

Business, Project and Professional Planning: The LinkedIn Key.

Linked In is probably the most professionally-focused and valuable of all of the business networking platforms, groups and social media. I recently received this posting from Stephen Jones, a Linked In colleague, and wanted to share it with you. The important point is not merely to “join.” It is to leverage and optimize your presence, your accessibility and your utilization of the benefits of membership. He provides some excellent pointers. I’ve added one more ( #6 ) at the end. Your business, your project posting or your professional resume have the highest probability of meaningful exposure (i.e., dialogue with business leaders and decision makers) using Linked In as a launch platform. But you must proactively "work the room" once you've joined. If you don't announce yourself, your business, project or unique skill set will not attract attention and a "traction reaction".  #### 5 LinkedIn “Must Haves” Stephen Jones Turn Key Social Media Marketin

Dangerous Dependencies And Monopolistic Profit Strategies

If you cannot easily increase your price (if you are a monopoly , this sometimes takes a combination of lobbying, timing and other impediments to the juggernaut bulldozer of your all-but-guaranteed profits and "progress"), all you have to do to increase your profit margin during this annoying waiting period is to decrease the amount of quality of your service to customers or subscribers . AT and T is leading the way! Please read more, and then return to this page : AT&T will cut speeds for heaviest data consumers AT&T confirmed Friday it will slow speeds for the 5% of its subscriber base who use the heaviest amount of data -- although these users may or may not notice the speed reduction -- saying it will restore full service for these users at the start of each billing cycle. The plan, which will take effect Oct. 1, is aimed at battling congestion on AT&T's networks by targeting those who use about 12 times the amount of bandwidth than the average