
Showing posts from March, 2013

Management: Take A Walk And Talk To Your Employees

Whether you are a Chairman , a CEO, a Project Manager or any type of individual in the company hierarchy who is in a position of oversight and responsibility for production, don't distance yourself completely from your troops. A certain amount of isolation and unapproachability may be effective for maintaining control and for posturing, but if you never go walking around the facility and casually talking to the individuals working there at random, you run a great many risks --- just think about Marie Antoinette 's " Let them eat cake ." fiasco. For a more recent example, just look at the incredible rate (an historic low) of dissatisfaction amongst the US populace with their legislators and political leaders . This latter phenomenon is largely due to the abundantly apparent lack of concern that these elected and appointed politicians [public servants?] have for the people whom they are supposed to represent, and their increasingly distancing themselves from the probl

Virtual Organizations, Telecommuting And The New Organization Paradigm

Regardless of Yahoo's executive decision (as set forth in a stern intracompany memo from Ms. Mayers to her scattered minions throughout Yahooville ) to do away with flextime working and telecommuting , purportedly due a decrease in employee productivity, accountability and spontaneity of interpersonal interaction -- the phenomenon that leads to such amazing things as brainstorming, problem-solving , and processing speed , as the author of The Global Futurist Blog as well as The business And Project Planning And Management Blog will yield ultimately, and that the virtual organization and telecommuting are absolutely here to stay and will be on the rise in conjunction with the globalization and decentralization of business and the growing increase in the price, resource consumption, the exploding costs of full-time employee healthcare coverage as a company benefit and perils of traditional commuting. Face Facts : There are no giant fixed office or professional rental costs in cybe