
Showing posts from January, 2013

Are Bottlenecks And Chokepoints Killing Your Projects?

Bottlenecks and choke points are the points along the critical path to your project's completion where the entire system either slows down or comes to a complete halt because there is a critical and dangerous dependency on some person, protocol or procedure in the system who or which must perform some operation, inspection or issue some approval before the process is allowed to continue. Call them " red tape ," "hurdles," "roadblocks"... it makes no difference. They are usually an endemic and culturally entrenched (and generally accepted, despite the fact that they are consistently acknowledged as being a problem) cause for projects not being completed on time, or for budget overruns. As a business owner , strategic planner, project manager or entrepreneur you have a responsibility to structure your plans and paths to minimize the existence or potentially negative impact of these choke points in your business or project plan . And it will require


Forensics experts are needed for the dangerous new times that accompany major financial and natural crises. Forensic accountants , appraisers and IT professionals are needed to be incorporated as a budgeted expense item (perhaps as part of increased risk reserves for contingency planning), or as consultants/contractors to businesses of every size -- from the smallest early-stage venture making presentations to prospective investors to older, larger, well-established organizations. Forensic science is no longer exclusively the province of late night television shows (" ION Television . Posi tiv ely entertaining.") New career paths will be developing centered around or conjoined with forensic knowledge (i.e, forensic accountants, auditors, programmers, and IT professionals) in a world where there are too many fiscal cliffs, too many areas of exposure to damage and data security breaches, and business interruption and asset losses from natural disasters [like Hurricane Sandy,