
Showing posts from November, 2012

New Careers In INFORMATION ASSURANCE -- And The Demand Is Growing...

CLICK ON THE ABOVE IMAGE FOR A LARGER, HIGH-RESOLUTION VIEW It had to happen. Cybersecurity, data safety, hacking, unauthorized access and informational integrity at the desk, in your lap, and in the cloud have all combined to create a new career path. The world needs Information Assurance Professionals, Information Assurance Experts, and Information Assurance Consultants. It is a multidimensional and eclectic twist on being a computer systems security expert or a data center security expert. But it is indeed much sexy, more esoteric, and will be very much in demand. As the author of The Global Futurist Blog, I say this with confidence; and the opportunity is NOW. The market for this skill set will be growing steadily for the foreseable future. Here is some interesting marketing information from Regis University regarding their Masters Degree program in Informational Assurance : --------------- Regis University's Master's degree in Information Assurance will ensure you h

Why You MUST Have A "PLAN B".

Business strategic planners and Project Managers often suffer tunnel vision when it comes to achieving a specified objective or in reaching a mission goal. This focus is necessary to effective leadership and efficiency, but has a probability of failure at critical intervals. At those intervals, it is critical to have a backup plan which is realistically attainable and takes into account adverse contingencies. An alternative plan is best established at the earliest business or project phase -- it is not, as some believe a negative self-fulfilling prophesy. It is much like a lifeboat, a parachute, or the antivenin in a snake-infested region. The purposes of a contingency plan are: 1 ) To salvage as much of the asset value of the project, program or business as possible; and 2 ) To achieve success by some alternative means. The first priority above is more important than the second [though not to minimize the second one]  because it provides for a "worst case" scenario and m

The Company/Project Killer: Sunk Costs!

We are Human Beings . Our passion and commitment drive us to make projects and companies successful. Yet these same passions and commitments emotionally “marry us” to doomed projects and cash- hemorrhaging policies with can destroy us. These sunk costs , if unrecognized, become an ever-hungrier black hole which can consume enough resources to kill an entrepreneurial early-stage or thinly-capitalized company, or cause us to work on a project which is unsalvageable by any means. From the standpoint of behavioral psychology , we are too often obsessed with a need to be right . The tendency is for us to equate our own self-worth with a project, business or achievement -- as if a single decision (regardless of how large or how small) -- could define us, both to ourselves and others. Here’s the irony: The more we have invested in a project or business, the more emotionally attached to it we tend to become. We lose our ability to dispassionately judge This is true, even if th