
Showing posts from October, 2012

Time Management Tips, Tricks, Tools And Techniques

Time is a project manager's or executive's most precious commodity. It is second, perhaps, only to expertise and the ability to communicate effectively. Yet time management is too often treated as an afterthought, when it is one of the most crucial allocation problems confronting anyone in business who is charged with the responsibility of positioning and optimizing limited resources or assets.  It's time that someone made this easier for all of us. The most efficient approach to get this into the standard routine for all of you IT professional , Project Managers , Program Managers, Team Leaders, Drill Sergeants and Executives out there is to do everything in a straightforward checklist fashion. Don't editorialize or customize this approach. I would ask (politely) that you use it exactly as offered for a bit, and then (and only then) see if it requires modification to suit your exacting and specific needs: 1) List every single one of your responsibilities [either in te

IT Pros: IP Space Management Tool - Free!

IT professionals and computer and data security professionals can certainly use all of the tips, tricks and tools which become available. There are many mission-critical needs for managing IP addresses , aside from accumulating source lists, managing IP density or determining from where an email or a website has originated. This information can be used for tracking hackers, spoofers, and for maintaining the integrity of intra-company and extra-company communications. I wanted to share this TechRepublic free offering with all of our readers. I am always excited about downloading free whitepapers. But downloadable freeware (especially highly effective software, i.e., that addresses a direct need or solves a specific problem without taking up too much capacity/space on my hard drive) has opened up new possibilities and new frontiers for me. I hope that this software is of benefit to you. --------------- Toss Your Spreadsheets Into the Recycling Bin! IP Address Space Management Sim