
Showing posts from September, 2012

The Cloud: A Vast, Growing Employment Opportunity

If you are an IT Professional , CIO, CTO or a very tech-savvy Project Manager , cloud providers are hiring, and they are doing it with a vengeance. If you are not an expert at Cloud Computing , there is no time like the present to become familiar with the Cloud Crowd and its goings-on, as well as to become more conversant in " CloudSpeak " [a clever Lingovation , which just popped into my mind, as well as some other things which I can't discuss in this forum :-( ] with its idioms and acronyms. Firstly, let's get into the spirit with a Wikipedia definition and basic nomenclature of Cloud Computing: "Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network (typically the Internet ). The name comes from the use of a cloud -shaped symbol as an abstraction for the complex infrastructure it contains in system diagrams. Cloud computing entrusts remote services with a user's data, software and c

Alert: CIO, CTO, COO, IT Professional, Program Managers and Project Managers.

ALERT : CIO, CTO , COO , IT Professionals, Program Managers, Project Managers and Readers Of Any Blogs By Douglas E. Castle , Global Edge Media , or CrowdFunding Incubator LLC (new!): Dear Readers and Followers: If you are a CIO, CTO, COO, IT Professional , Program Manager or a Project Manager, selected feeds and new resources from ( the CIO Newsletter) are now being featured daily in the following Industry- Centric Twitter Accounts: GetGlobalEdge - For all who are interested in international business intelligence, information, media, emerging technologies and special alerts. BusProjectPlan - For all who are interested in Project Management , Program Management , and emerging data processing, utilization and storage technologies. InfoSphereAlrt - For all executives of emerging and established enterprises who want important updates regarding significant trends, best practices, technology, geopolitical economics, management, marketing, media, sourcing, supply-c

Accessing Your Office Computer From Home - Or Elsewhere. [Benefits versus Risks]

I work from home frequently, as many of our colleagues do. And rather than sneaking past office security with a zip drive or similar device that law enforcement types invariably look upon as potentially explosive contraband, it's good to be able to have full virtual access to your office computer from home without your having to feel like a smuggler in a 'B'-rated movie. It allows for increased creativity, productivity and for certain contractors or 'partial' telecommuters (think about maternity leave , or timezone differences, or a multitude of other possibilities) to have 24-hour potentiality and access to all pertinent information. While this enhanced ability has much to be said in its favor, it also can impose certain hazards. These risk factors must identified, quantified and mitigated in weighing the incremental benefits of  these devices and arrangements against the incremental or marginal costs . This calls for a sort of quick and dirty cost-benefit analy

Crowdsourcing And Project Planning - Free Leverage

Crowdsourcing is the process of collaborative thinking and problem-solving either for the benefit of the entire group, or for the benefit of each of the group's members in rotational fashion. Many a brilliant soul who is otherwise profitably occupied will enter into a crowdsourcing platform or conversation out of sheer intellectual curiosity, hubris, or a desire to be a part of a greater mind; some of these wonderful participants simply jump into the fray faced by many project managers and business planners simply to keep their problem-solving skills sharp and at the ready. In a world where everything seems so expensive, good relationships with peers, colleagues and crowdsourcing-friendly industry groups (and even generic groups, for some better, broader perspective) merely costs some time -- and the results of this coodinated brainstorming process can be wonderfully useful, rather than trying to think through a process or plan in a solitary vacuum. The crowdsourcing mechanism no