
Showing posts from July, 2012

Time Management:: Optimize It To Maximize Personal Productivity And ROI

Every minute of your workday is an investment made in accomplishing something.  It follows that you want to maximize your personal productivity , or ROI .  This is a daunting task without a bit of old school disciplinary "no excuses" guidelines to follow in managing your time as if it were a precious but limited asset.  In fact, YOU (yes, YOU !) are a Human Asset with only so many productive hours available to accomplish those things that are most important to you. Your ability to manage your time -- to optimize it -- will govern your personal productivity and value to yourself as well as to your team members.  The oft-quoted Pareto Principle states that we " invest 20% of our time to achieve 80% of our results ." The key here is to find out which of those investments of time we should maximize. The efficient utilization of all of the working hours within the space of a single day requires a knowledge of how much needs to be done and by when, as well a