
Showing posts from December, 2011

Scalability - Size Certainly Matters. [Business Planning And Project Management]

Scalability is one of the most popular buzzwords ever to be touted as a feature of software, hardware and all types of systems, solutions and resources. Scalability is a practical consideration for every project - in companies and projects, one size DOES NOT fit all. The challenge is to find the appropriately effective solution to address the volume or size of a particular business . And note that scalability does not just apply to IT : it applies to virtually every system which will be used in a business in order to help facilitate its operations. Thinking outside of the confines of geekdom, scalability even applies to such basic things as storage containers, pipe width, real estate square footage , the number of employees required to manage a business function (we can only expect so much production out of each employee), the amount of credit required to conduct commerce, HVAC capacity and dozens of other considerations in making business and project planning decisions. It oft

Remote Project Management, Monitoring And Intervention - The Future.

Ongoing consistent management, monitoring and corrective intervention (i.e., course correction) are crucial components of project management and in the successful execution of all business plans. But in a telecommuting , global economy with a widely-dispersed workforce, undertaking these processes remotely has become increasingly important. Communications and coordination systems have to be created and fine-tuned in order to meet the growing needs of business. The configuration of project management teams logistically, culturally and temporally have increasingly made the tasks of planning, implementation and management a struggling and juggling exercise between centralizing and de-centralizing processes. The following whitepaper download is made available through TechRepublic publications. The good news is that these downloads are almost filled with terrific information . The bad news is that you have to fill out several slightly annoying forms to access the free downloads . Simply

Project Management Hut| Indispensable Tool.

Project Management Professionals are constantly mining the web for highly concentrated veins of technical, employment and educational resources. Project Management Hut ( ) is the answer to your prayers. Put down your pickaxes, shovels, blocks and tackles. PM Hut is an amazing, holistic, interactive site which posts materials provided by a variety of experts on virtually every area of Project Management. I am honored to have had several of my articles included in their vast resource collection. What sets them apart from most of the highly vertical "programming-oriented" sites is multidimensional view of project management. More than dry dissertations on using Agile , Scrum , SWOT and a host of insider acronyms, the site looks at PM as a complete business involving not only technology, but organizational, planning and interpersonal (managerial) considerations. I highly recommend visiting the site and making it a favorite. In fact, you might want to do w